Asgiriya Mahanayake Thera says Internal threats to Sasana worse than external threats

1 April 2024 11:33 am Views - 120

By Chamil Rupasinghe 
Mahanayake of Asgiriya Chapter Ven. Warakagoda Gnanarathana Thera said the threat of internal forces to the Buddha Sasana were more serious than those posed by external forces. 
Addressing a religious ceremony yesterday at the Polgolla Sarawana Temple, the Ven. Thera pointed out that till recently anti- Buddhist organisations had been attempting to destroy Buddhism through their own forces, but their modus operandi is to use Buddhist themselves and even Buddhist monks to gain their end.  

“ The threat of the enemy forces within the order of Buddha Sasasna is more terrible than that of the forces without. These forces claim to have attained a status close to Buddhahood or Arahathship to mislead devotees. They are using laymen and Buddhist monks to activate their propaganda.”   “ Much to our relief, the President and the Minister of Buddha Sasana have showed a positive response to our representations in this regard and taken steps to protect Buddhism from anti- Buddhist movements.” Ven. Gnanarathana Thera said.   However he further said the activities of these movements are yet to be completely neutralized.  Minister of Highways and Mass Media Bandula Gunawardene and State Minister Lohan Ratwatta were present at the occasion.