NDB Wealth advises to plan for financial freedom this Avurudu

20 April 2016 12:00 am

NDB Wealth CEO Prabodha Samarasekera (right) with the company’s Vice President Vindhya Jayasekera


The most auspicious time of year, the Sinhala and Tamil New Year, also popularly known as ‘Aluth Avurudu’, is more than just a time for celebrations, feasting and visiting family and friends. With its roots in traditional harvest periods, it is a time that most people choose to take stock of the year gone past. And, at the same time, prepare oneself for a new year and a new beginning.
Keeping the goal of beginning anew in mind, expert financial planner NDB Wealth recommends that when you turn over a new leaf, don’t just do the same things over and over again, aim to make a true change for the better, with a better result in the offing. This means, more than anything, the achievement of true financial independence by making your hard-earned money finally work for you, instead of letting it idle in traditional bank deposits, because it is never too late to secure your financial freedom.
According to NDB Wealth CEO Prabodha Samarasekera, “During this auspicious time of year, when you set aside the past and prepare for the future, the goal of financial freedom becomes even more relevant, especially when new beginnings are called for. You also need to prepare for those moments in life when a singular decision shapes your future, when a simple yes or no moves your life path in one direction or another. We all know these moments are coming but don’t always know when they’ll arrive. The question then becomes, how will you respond financially?” 
For example, to allow your hard-earned savings to reach its full potential, you may want to invest in the NDB Wealth ‘Money Plus’ money market fund as a beginning. It’s simple and easy-to-use and, as such, an ideal starting point, which also offers almost double what most banks savings accounts pay in Sri Lanka. Further, it allows you the added flexibility of withdrawing your money whenever you want to meet your needs.
Also on offer, the highly impactful NDB Wealth ‘Income Plus’ fund, an excellent alternative to traditional fixed deposits but with a higher rate of return, requiring a one-year commitment only. It is an ideal platform to build wealth for your future.
Importantly, both funds offer the added benefit of income being credited daily, so you can watch your investment grow, with all earnings being tax free to your hands.
“To aid you in preparing for a new beginning, or when any of life’s important milestones present themselves, we at NDB Wealth are pleased to offer assistance in choosing the right path for your future, helping advice you on the many new options available to maximise your earnings. All you have to do is call or visit us, or even go to www.ndbwealth.com, to partake in some free of charge, introductory financial planning advice from Sri Lanka’s top asset management company, as recognised by Global Banking & Finance Review in 2015,” Samarasekera added.
So, ‘it’s time’ to truly embrace the spirit of ‘Aluth Avurudu’ and finally target true financial freedom, ensuring your new beginning leads to a prosperous and happy future.