Adverse economic impact of ethno-religious violence

26 June 2014 05:40 am

olitical stability and social harmony are crucial for creating a conducive enabling environment for sustained development and upliftment of the lives of all Sri Lankans. Any instability on these fronts has serious adverse implications for development. The recent violent disturbances in the country should, therefore, be a matter of the utmost concern to all Sri Lankans.

Domestic economy and local producers
Domestically the following negative impacts are likely to materialize:

There are also a number of international ramifications which seriously undermine the development prospects of the country and the livelihoods of the people.

The confidence of domestic investors from all social backgrounds is likely to be eroded. This has implications for employment opportunities and incomes of all communities

International repercussions

It is a fundamental responsibility of all stakeholders, including all political parties, business, civil society, religious leaders and the government to maintain political stability and social harmony

Unity of all against disunity of a few
It is a fundamental responsibility of all stakeholders, including all political parties, business, civil society, religious leaders and the government to maintain political stability and social harmony. It is futile to expect economic advancement in a context of instability. It is also important to remember that it is the poor and vulnerable of all communities that have no buffer or hedge to withstand any disruption to their lives, who will invariably be most affected by the consequences of instability, particularly violence.

(This is the 49th Economic Flash published by the Pathfinder Foundation. Readers’ comments are welcome at