Ex-Sampath Bankers Club completes first CSR project

26 January 2017 12:00 am

Opening of the newly renovated principal’s office and the newly introduced school library at Duwegoda Primary School, Halkadawala, Kalutara




Ex-Sampath Bankers Club completed its first CSR project when it set up a children’s library at a school that lacked many facilities. 
The executive council of the club in keeping with its objectives, took a decision to embark on a CSR project and selected education sector to be the focus. The members of the committee appointed visited some schools in the Colombo district and although most of them requested assistance the facilities they already enjoyed were such that they could not be categorized as most deserving, Therefore the committee decided to look at schools in the Kalutara district with the assistance of the Regional Manager of Sampath Bank responsible for that district and the Manager of their Kalutara branch. The manager discussed this issue some officials in the Regional Education Department in Kalutara and obtained their recommendation to decide on a deserving school. The school selected for the project was Duwegoda Primary School which is located in Halkadawala a remote area in the Kalutara district which lacked many facilities but having a highly motivated Principal and staff who took great pains towards developing the school.
During the initial discussions with the Principal of the school they informed the committee that they were keen in having a children’s library and a computer room as their immediate needs. The cub agreed to provide a children’s library. The next issue was a room to house the library. The Principal very generously agreed to give up his room which was the only room in the school with a ceiling, for the library. He offered to move to a smaller room in the building and requested the club to put up a ceiling in that room to which the club also agreed.
The room given for the Library was renovated repainted by the club  To house the principal who gave up his room for the Children’s Library, the Club refurbished the room provided, by putting up the ceiling, painted the room and fixed two wall fans and lights. An office table and a new revolving chair were also provided for the Principal’s office
The handing over took place on 11th January, the day the New Year students were admitted to the school at a simple ceremony, with the parents of the new children also being present. Since the handing over of the Children’s Library and the refurbished principal’s office was scheduled along with the admission of new students the Principal requested the Club to consider providing gifts for the thirty nine new students. Sampath Bank very generously provided the thirty nine school bags along with tills for this purpose and they were presented to the new students at this ceremony. The school principal, teachers and the parents in their speeches expressed their appreciation of the contribution made by the Club to fulfill a long felt need of this poor remote school.  
Ex-Sampath Bankers Club very sincerely thank all those who contributed towards this worthy cause and looks forward to their continued support for its future projects as well.