Ex-Central Banker to head evaluation panel to select best corporate citizen

2 September 2015 03:25 am

Former Central Banker, Dr. Anila Dias Bandaranayake has been chosen by the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce (CCC) to head the evaluation panel of the ‘Best Corporate Citizen Sustainability Award 2015’, which is now in the process of accepting applications from prospective companies.

Bandaranayake, a former Assistant Governor of the Central Bank has also functioned as the Director of the Statistics Department of the Central Bank. She joins the evaluation panel of the ‘Best Corporate Citizen Sustainability Awards’ for the first time.

Apart from Dr. Bandaranayake, the panel includes the likes of Ramani Ellepola, Former Director General of the Central Environmental Authority and Dr.Ananda Mallawatantri, Country Representative of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. 

The duo will analyse the ‘Environmental’ achievements of the competitors, while the ‘Employee Relations’ aspect will be looked at by Kanishka Weerasinghe, Director General of the Employers’ Federation of Ceylon and Upali Athukorale, Former Senior Assistant Secretary of the Ministry of Labor and Labor relations.

Eardly Perera, who is a management consultant and Lasantha Abeywickrema, Managing Director of the Symbiosis Business Partners will focus on the ‘Customer Relations’ side. 

Mallika Samaranayake Chairperson of the Institute for Participatory Interaction in Development and Lallith Ramanayake Former Executive Vice President and Head of CSR of John Keells Holdings will focus on the contestants’ achievements in the area of ‘Community Relations’.

‘Economic Contribution and Governance’ aspects of the participants will be assessed by Ajith Ratnayake, former Director General of the Sri Lanka accounting and Auditing Standards Monitoring Board and Nihal Fonseka, former CEO of the DFCC Bank.

Late Professor Uditha Liyanage and Dr. Saman Kelegama have also served as Chairperson of the ‘Best Corporate Citizen Sustainability Awards’, in earlier occasions.

In the meantime, the ‘Evaluation Panel’ which will assess the competitors of the ‘Best Sustainability Project Awards’ will be chaired by Prema Cooray, Former Secretary General of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce and Former Chairman of the Aitken Spence PLC. Shamini Ratwatte, Trustee, Federation of Environmental Organizations, Darshini De Silva, an Environmental Specialists, attached to the World Bank and Kiran Dhanapala, a consultant on sustainability are the other members of the said panel.

The shortlisted firms will be called for an interview, which would be conducted by a separate panel of judges.