Ceylon Chamber calls for corporates’ input on trade liberalisation

18 August 2016 12:02 am

As the Sri Lankan government works towards forging a series of free trade agreements (FTAs), the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce (CCC) is calling for companies to submit substantive inputs on trade policy matters so that the private sector can strengthen its representations in the trade negotiators.
“The chamber has always been supportive of mutually beneficial trade agreements and has held the view that such agreements need to be forged following transparent and broad-based consultations with the private sector.

The CCC, which is closely engaged with key high-level trade consultative committees, welcomes the government’s ongoing efforts to incorporate private sector views in its deliberations,” the country’s premier business chamber said.

Having recognised the importance of engaging fully in this process, the CCC has taken this initiative to call for member views on trade agreements and trade facilitation.

“We have a unique opportunity to influence the trade policy process of the government; to channel industry views on trade liberalisation issues; identify concerns and new opportunities brought on by new agreements; and advocate for tackling key problem areas. The chamber is keen to submit evidence-based, meaningful and progressive recommendations to the government,” the CCC said.
Companies can now fill in a detailed questionnaire available on the chamber website (www.chamber.lk) and take advantage of this important opportunity to have their say. 

“Through these inputs, the chamber hopes to influence the design of trade agreements that are forward-looking, that spur growth and create jobs,” the CCC stressed.