Video: UNP calls for Independent Police Commission

27 August 2013 08:46 am Views - 3072

The United National Party (UNP) today said the Police Department could not be streamlined and depoliticized just by bringing it under the purview of a new ministry.

The UNP said for this to happen it was essential to set up the Independent Police Commission.

“We cannot expect the police department to act independently, just by brining it under a new ministry. Independent commissionsas laid down in the 17th Amendment should be set upif the state sector is to be independent,” UNP spokesman Gayantha Karunathilake told a news conference.

He said the Independent Judicial Services Commission, the Independent Elections Commission and the Independent Police Commission should be set up immediately.  

“If the government is so keen on ensuring democracy in the country, it should implement the 17th Amendment to the constitution. Our party will assist the government to carry this out,” he said.   (Lahiru Pothmulla)