Probe on items

6 September 2010 08:30 pm

The Military has launched an investigation into the recent recovery of a mobile phone, a sim card and a recorder in the north to see if it had any vital information on the LTTE.

Military Spokesperson Major General Ubaya Medawala told Daily Mirror online that the recorder, mobile phone and the SIM card were found close to an IDP camp in the north and investigations were ongoing to see if it was linked to the LTTE.

“At this point we cannot say who this belongs to as the equipment was found close to an IDP camp but we are investigating the matter,” Major General Medawala said.

Last week the Army also recovered several torched LTTE light aircraft parts that had been kept hidden inside a container in Vellamullivaikkal and Ampalawanpokkanai during the peak of the battles in Wanni. (JN)