Playing the ‘fool’

31 December 2014 04:46 am

While claiming that the opposition has never been able to find a worthy adversary to challenge him,  President Mahinda Rajapaksa said that the only alternative now was to field a ‘modaya’ (fool) from his own party.

“The Opposition trembles when they hear my name and get cold feet during elections. In 2010 they couldn’t find a candidate so they took my army commander, this time it’s none other than our fool. He couldn’t carry out any of his ministerial duties and now he is coming out with all kinds of stories. Is this the kind of person you want as your leader,” he asked.

The President told an election rally in Minuwanagoda that the common candidate is also responsible for every allegation brought against him because of the collective responsibility of all cabinet ministers. (Jehan Gunasekara)