UPFA supporter killed

23 July 2011 02:57 am

A UPFA supporter was shot dead due to what was reported as intra party violence last night in Anuradhapura, Executive Director of PAFFREL Rohan Hettiarachchi told Daily Mirror online.
He added that the supporter was shot dead while he was engaged in pasting posters relating to the Local Government elections in the area, reportedly by a member of the same party.

However, Police Spokesman SP Prishantha Jayakody told Daily Mirror Online a short while ago that the incident is in no way related to election violence and had been a result of a disagreement that had occurred between a group of friends.

“The deceased individual had been with a group of his friends and they had been severely intoxicated during the time of the incident. Following a disagreement among several individuals in the group, the deceased individual had been stabbed to death by a sharp object by another person in the group,” he added.  (Gandhya Senanayake, Lakna Paranamanna)