Video: Make her win: Deputy Minister

20 February 2014 01:18 pm

The best way to take revenge from the killing of the former Presidential adviser Bharatha Lakshman Premachandra is to place Hirunika Premachandra among the top in the upcoming Provincial Council Elections, the Deputy Minister of Buddha Sasana said.

“As the Buddha Sasana Deputy Minister I cannot approve or say that someone should be killed in order to take revenge. But the revenge of the killing of Late Premachandra could be achieved by voting for his daughter Hirunika Premachandra at the upcoming elections. Everyone should come forward and vote for her to do that,” Deputy Minister M.K.A.D.S. Gunawardena he said.

He said the late Mr. Premachandra scarified his life for the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) and its supporters.

“Now it is the duty of each SLFPers to vote for Hirunika to take revenge of her father’s murder,” he said. (LSP)