Hangman quits over fear of gallows

10 March 2014 06:12 pm

The newly appointed hangman has quit his job soon after seeing the gallows, Prison Department sources said.

They said the hangman, who is a father of one had only served four days in the post. He is a 40 year old resident from Anuradhapura and was appointed to the post on March 3.

This was the third person who had left the job after being appointed.  The newest one was appointed as the first two hangmen left their duties after completing their two week training.

He was the third in the waiting list for the position and had also completed the two week training.

He had left the prison after writing a letter mentioning that ‘ he couldn’t stay any longer in this occupation’, on March 7, soon after witnessing the gallows at the Chapel section in the Prison.    

The applications for the hang man position were called last year as the position fell vacant for over a year.

Five applicants were selected for the final stage and the first two of them earlier left the post after the training. (Jayantha Samarakoon)