Dissent must always be there: Moragoda

2 October 2011 09:34 am

Speaking to Daily Mirror Hot Seat UPFA Mayoral Candidate for the City of Colombo Milinda Moragoda stated that dissent at any level must always be tolerated. Excerpts of the interview follow. Watch the complete interview here:

Q. If the UNP candidate is elected then Colombo will be totally ignored by the central government?
I am not saying that. You tell me on one occasion have you ever seen the UNP and the UPFA working together?
Q. That is no reason for it not to happen. Or to propagate through billboards that the government candidate is the only option.
You are trying to say that we are forcing people to vote for us. (Not force but you are using that as propaganda by the various billboards all around Colombo) But there is an underlying truth to that, we have our politics in this country is tribal.

Q. Then what you are saying is that there cannot be any dissent at any level. If the president is from one party then the parliament and thereafter the local government all have to be from the same party?
I don’t say that. I say that dissent must always be there. What I am saying is that this is the local government election; this is not a national election. The presidential election and parliamentary election are over, this election is about getting our basic services right. We are talking to a very limited population; most of my time is spent in areas called “Bosnia and Siberia”, where the real issues are. The national issues are over, now people need services to be provided. This is about services and to provide these services we have to work with the central government.
May be the opposition candidate if he is elected he can do that, all I am saying is that it will be smoother to work within one administration.

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Milinda Moragoda on Hot seat