Video: Ethanol continues to flow

3 March 2015 09:33 am

A large consignment of ethanol illegally imported from Thailand and valued Rs.1,680,000 had been seized at the Orugodawatta Custom’s Warehouse today, Customs Spokesman Leslie Gamini said.

The 20 foot container which had 16,000 liters of ethanol, had been imported by a company based in Ratmalana from Thailand on February 5.

It was seized by the Customs Central Intelligence Division.

The consignment was declared as Calcium Hypochlorite Granular to the customs, bank and shipping agents, he said.

The illegal consignment, stocked in 80 barrels, would have evaded a payment of Rs. 5,808,000 if gone undetected, he said. (Chatuanga Pradeep, Kurulu Kariyakarawana)