Blake here tomorrow

20 July 2010 03:06 am

US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Robert Blake is due in the country tomorrow for talks with the Sri Lankan government on the latest developments one year after the war, a US Embassy official in Sri Lanka told Daily Mirror online.

Blake is scheduled to meet President Mahinda Rajapaksa and other top government officials during the one day visit which comes amidst support by the US for the UN panel on Sri Lanka appointed by UN Secretary General Ban ki-moon, the US Embassy official said.

Meanwhile a statement by the US State Department said that in Sri Lanka, Assistant Secretary Blake will have consultations with the Sri Lankan government, political parties, business leaders and civil society.

Assistant Secretary Blake will also travel to the Maldives and will meet government officials, opposition parties, civil society representatives, anti-trafficking activists, and religious leaders.  (Daily Mirror online)