Young lovers trampled on live wire electrocuted

17 October 2021 06:45 pm

A couple of young lovers who accidentally trampled on a live wire which had been laid in a cultivated land in Pitawala, Kolonne had died of electrocution yesterday.

Investigations revealed that the victims Mathakdeera Kankanamlage Suraj Prasanna (26) and Kankanamlage Hansika Sandamali (17) of Dickwella had acquainted each other online and had fallen in love. The young couples bodies had been recovered from a cinnamon plantation last morning by the police.

Occupants of the young woman’s house told police that they heard a noise outside the house on the night of the incident and had switched on the lights to find the young woman running away with a young man in the dark. A motorcycle belonging to the young man had been left near her house.

Police said the bodies of the deceased were recovered from a cinnamon plantation belonging to a relative of the young woman a short distance away from her house. OIC Kolonna Police K. V. Rohana is conducting further investigations.(Ajithlal Shanthaudaya and Jayantha Nanayakkara)