Sri Lanka ranked second to Ethiopia

3 September 2020 06:02 am

Ethiopia topped the list among the 10 nations that searched for the word ‘sex’ the most on Google in the second quarter of 2020, whilst Sri Lanka was placed second.

Ethiopia is followed by Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, India, Vietnam, Pakistan, Myanmar, Zambia and Uruguay.

In previous lists, Sri Lanka was ranked the first and according to an annual report of Google, in 2019, Sri Lanka ranked third in the list of nations that searched for the term ‘sex’.

Sri Lanka topped the list in Google searches for the word ‘sex’ for five consecutive years from 2012 to 2016.

According to Google’s annual reports, Colombo, Nugegoda and Homagama in the Western Province were the cities that searched for the word ‘sex’ the most in 2012, while in 2020, the North Central Province ranks first.

The cities topping the list in the North Central Province are Katuwanwila, Galkadawela, Rajanganaya, Pulmude and Punewa.

In the Uva, Northern, Eastern, Sabaragamuwa, Western, North Western, Southern and Central Provinces, the cities of Siyabalanduwa, Therawil, Mahaoya, Boraluwage Aina, Homagama, Ihalapuliyankulama, Warukandeniya and Harasbedda respectively are ranked as the cities with the highest number of searches for the word, ‘sex’ on the Google search engine. (Indika Sri Aravinda)