Speaker has violated Constitution in appointing IGP: Tilvin

29 February 2024 02:41 pm

Colombo, Feb. 29 (Daily Mirror)- Claiming that Speaker Mahinda Yapa Abeywardane had acted in violation of the Constitution when appointing Deshabandu Tennakoon as the IGP, NPP General Secretary Tilvin Silva said today they were planning to go before the Supreme Court against the appointment of the IGP.

He told a news conference that the Speaker had given his consent to the appointment of Deshabandu Tennakoon as the IGP even after the decision of the Costitutional Council was conveyed to the President.

"The Speaker's condcut in the case of appointing Deshabandu Tennakoon as the IGP is in violation of the Constitution.The Speaker can vote only in case of a tie. The Speaker had not voted during the CC meeting either. He has given his consent even after the decision of the CC was conveyed to the President," he said.

Silva said an issue has arrisen in the appointment of the IGP and that they hope the Supreme Court will rectify it.