Relief items with name tags, JO claims

9 June 2017 08:54 pm Views - 6761

Questions were asked in Parliament today with regard to the distribution of relief items under the label of some politicians.

Joint opposition MP Chandrasiri Gajadira asked whether a certain minister had distributed bananas with his name attached.

Minister Gayantha Karunathilake, who responded to the allegation, said a certain group of mischief makers had done this to tarnish his image and added that the CID was investigating this matter following a complaint by him.

"Certain people had posted an image on Facebook of bananas with my name tagged. People in my area know that I am not that kind of a person. I complained to the CID which has identified the man behind this racket," he said.

House Leader Lakshman Kiriella, who joined in the cross talk said it was revealed that a JO MP had employed people to sling mud at certain selected government politicians.

JVP MP Sunil Hadunnetti said Home Affairs Minister Vajira Abeywardhane had also distributed bags of relief materials among the displaced people in the Galle district with his name tag attached.

"Being the Home Affairs Minister, he should have distributed them not only in the Galle district but in all affected districts. Amid the catastrophe there is no need to pump up our image but to make sure that relief items reach all those who were affected," Mr Hadunnetti said.

The minister said he had distributed more than 200 lorry loads of relief items to all the affected districts. (Ajith Siriwardana and Yohan Perera)