Private bus bodies to launch countrywide strike from next Tuesday

20 October 2022 11:59 am

All private bus associations have decided to launch a countrywide bus strike from next Tuesday (25) night as they are unable to pay the leasing installments during this economic crisis and against seizing their buses from owners who have leasing instalment arrears.

Addressing the media yesterday, IPPBA Secretary Anjana Priyanjith said at least 50 buses have been taken by the leasing companies for not paying installments.

"During COVID pandemic, the bus operation was suspended and we were unable to pay the leasing instalments. After informing the government about the difficulties we had been facing, a temporary reprieve from paying leasing installments was granted, but the fee was added as an additional payment to the monthly installment. Later, due to the current economic crisis, the buses were unable to run due to diesel crisis, resulting in a limited diesel supply using the QR code," he said. 

He said it was reported that several leasing and finance companies are attempting to seize nearly 3,000 buses for not paying installments.

Therefore, we appealed to the main leasing companies in the country to stop such attempts immediately and to hand the 50 seized buses back to the respective bus owners immediately. Also we need additional time to complete the leasing installments. 

"We request the government and the leasing companies to grant us with a moratorium until next March. Paying of leasing installments were delayed not because of our fault. We need to have an immediate discussion with the responsible parties, "Priyananjith said. 

If not as a joint operation, the Inter-Provincial Private Bus Association (IPPBA), All Island Private Bus Owners' Association (AIPBOA) and United Bus Owners' Association (UBOA) will take a decision to withdraw from operations from next Tuesday (25), he said.

Therefore, we are urging the leasing and finance companies, the government, and other responsible parties to work responsibly and not to lay down plans to seize buses, Priyanjith added.

Meanwhile, Lanka Private Bus Owners' Association (LPBOA) chairman Gemunu Wijerathne said that he would interfere with the issue faced by the bus owners. He claimed that the said bus associations had a discussion with the Transport Minister Bandula Gunawardana and that the discussion was not fruitful.

"As bus associations, we do not have confidence in the minister. He still has not provided any solutions to the bus industry, including the fuel issue," he said.

However, the Prime Minister had promised to provide immediate solutions within two days for the issues faced by the bus owners, Wijerathne said. (Chaturanga Samarawickrama)