Overseas Sri Lankans back NPP this time like they backed Gota in 2019: Anura Kumara

28 April 2024 04:27 pm

Colombo, April 28 (Daily Mirror)- Claiming that overseas Sri Lankans played a key role in bringing former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa to power in the 2019 Presidential election, NPP leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake said the National People's Power has been the main choice of the overseas Sri Lankans this time.

Speaking at a meeting in Stockholm, Sweden, he said overseas Sri Lankans are now campaigning for a system change and a new change for Sri Lanka and the NPP has been their choice to make that change.

He requested Sri Lankans in Sweden to come to Sri Lanka and vote for the NPP or do an online campaign to garner support for the NPP.

"Educate your family members and friends in Sri Lanka whenever they contact you over the phone," he said.

Dissanayake said overseas Sri Lankans is a crucial force in upcoming elections and requested them to support the NPP to obtain power and develop the country after obtaining power.

"Overseas Sri Lankans played a key role in bringing Gotabaya to power. Similarly, after he shattered the aspirations of the people, they created public opinion that Gotabaya must go home. The overseas Sri Lankans have now created a public notion for a system change. Their main choice is NPP today," he said.

He said no other party has been able to address overseas Sri Lankans in this manner lately.