More than 1 mn crimes reported last year

28 June 2017 07:30 am

Total number of crimes reported last year has increased to 1,155,215 compared to 1,129,555 in 2015, the Ministry of Law and Order report said.

It said 40,188 grave crimes had been committed last year compared to 36,937 in 2015.

The report said the number of minor offences had increased last year 45,579 reported during the year while there were 43,570 such offences in 2015. Minor crimes against property had increased to 33,349 last year as compared to 30,665 in 2015.

Crimes against women had increased to 9,042 last year as compared to 8,288 in 2015.

However, narcotic-related crimes had dropped to 88,352 last year as compared to 89,996 in 2015 while liquor-related crimes had risen to 120,105 last year from the 113,944 reported in 2015.

The report said from 2014 onward, 95 per cent of the crimes had been solved.

Meanwhile, motor accidents had risen to 39,056 last year when compared to 36,918 in the previous year. (Yohan Perera)