Jaffna resident who paid 7,000 Euros for forged Polish visa nabbed at BIA

9 April 2024 10:08 pm

Colombo, April 9 (Daily Mirror) - A resident from Jaffna who had paid Euro 7,000 to obtain a forged Polish visa affixed to his Sri Lankan passport, was nabbed by the Immigration and Emigration Department officials at the Bandaranaike International Airport (BIA), whilst trying to leave the country.

The passenger was about to board the SriLankan Airlines flight UL 217 bound for Doha, Qatar on Monday evening, when he was intercepted by the Immigration officials at the BIA departure counters.

A senior Immigration official told the Daily Mirror that the passenger, when questioned, had said that he had paid Euro 7,000, which is more than Rs. 2.2 million, to a local agent to be transferred to another person in Germany to get his fake visa done.

The passenger, who is a resident of Kokuvil in Jaffna had collected his passport with the forged Poland visa from the local agent.

He was suspected to board a flight to Doha and then a connecting flight to Warsaw, Poland, the sources said.

The passenger has been handed over to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) Unit at the BIA for further inquiries.