Gas-cooker explosion -- Burn victim sues dealer, agent for Rs.4.5 Mn in damages

19 August 2016 07:55 pm Views - 9663

A woman who suffered severe burn injuries when the new gas cooker exploded has sued the seller and the gas cooker agent for Rs.4.5 million in damages.

W.P.A.A. Anoma Wasanthi of No 16/C, Kakunagahawatte Makandura Madapatha was badly burnt when she attempted to ignite the gas cooker she had bought from a dealer in Keselwatte Panadura.

The had complained to the Consumer Affairs Authority and filed a civil suit in the Colombo District Court for the recovery of Rs 4.5 million from the dealer and the agent in Sri Lanka. for the gas cooker through her instructing lawyers Derrick Fernando Associates.

The application filed through her instructing lawyers Derrick Fernando Associates was supported in the District Court of Colombo by her Counsel Ian Fernando appearing with Sumudu Ratnayake.

The Counsel said the plaintiff suffered burn injuries because of technical defects in the gas cooker. The gas-cooker agent and the dealer in their answer had denied any responsibility saying the gas cooker was in good working condition and the explosion might have been the result of mishandling of the gas cooker.

The case was postponed for October 20. (T. Farook Thajudeen)