Daughters demand Rs.200,000 to take care of father

19 September 2022 08:54 am

An 82 year old father of seven daughters yes­ter­day made a com­plaint to the Padukka police that his daugh­ters were demand­ing Rs.200,000 to take care of him. He reques­ted the police to help him.

He told police that the only land he had in his pos­ses­sion was sold to fund med­ical expenses for a kid­ney trans­plant and the bal­ance Rs.400,000 had been given to his young­est daugh­ter who looked after him until she aban­doned him and his wife in a ren­ted house and left with her hus­band.

Police summoned his daugh­ters and invest­ig­ated the plaint to find that all of them were liv­ing well to do lives. OIC Kapila Sen­anayaka who explained to them on their duty to take care of their eld­erly father and if they refused to do so steps would be taken to resolve the issue through courts.

Sub­sequently, one of the daugh­ters res­id­ent in Piliy­an­dala area had under­taken to look after her father.