Customs TUs launch work-to-rule campaign this morning

31 January 2019 10:35 am

The Customs-Trade Unions Alliance today said that they had decided to launch a work-to-rule campaign from this morning over the appointment of a retired Navy Officer as the Customs Director General, a Spokesman for the alliance said.

The Spokesman said that all departments of the Customs had slowed down to 25 per cent of their workloads.

"We had stopped working overtime and continue the work-to-rule campaign until getting a favourable solution from the authorities,” he said. 

“The Customs DG should have held a special grade in the Sri Lanka Customs Service or in any State Administrative Service but not in the Military Service," he said.

The Customs Trade Unions Alliance yesterday launched a strike over the appointment of the retired Navy officer as the Director General contravening the rules and regulations of the Department.

The Imports Division of the Customs was operational with the clearing of received items since last morning but it had also slowed down now to 25 per cent, sources at Sri Lanka Customs said. (Chaturanga Samarawickrama)