CID seeks public help to locate an IP over drug trafficking charges

7 July 2020 10:34 am

The CID today released a picture of IP W.K. Saman Wasantha Kumara (49) who was attached to the Police Narcotic Bureau, seeking public assistance to locate and arrest him over alleged drug trafficking offenses.

The CID is conducting an investigation after several police officers were allegedly found selling drugs to drug dealers.   

Earlier, the CID arrested 16 police officers and a civilian in connection with this case.

Police said the suspect Inspector who is a resident at No 189, Kirikatta, Weliweriya is wanted on charges of drug trafficking

Police requested the public to contact the CID trough 071-8591767 or 011-2422176 if they have information on the IP.

Police assure the confidentiality of informants.