CEB to buy power from ACE

31 March 2016 07:23 pm Views - 8368

The Ceylon Electricity Board today said it had decided to connect 100 MW to the national grid from the ACE Power Generation of Embilipitiya, which had been shut down due to the non renewal of tariff revisions.

“Earlier the CEB had decided to shut down the ACE Power Generation in Matara and Embilipitiya (a subsidiary of Aitken Spence PLC), which provided 20 MW and 100 MW due to non-renewal of the tariff revisions as well as the Heladhanavi Power Station in Puttalam,” CEB Media Spokesman Sulakshan Jayawardena said.

“The decision was taken to purchase electricity as an immediate precaution due to several blackouts that occurred recently and to provide uninterrupted power,” he said.

Meanwhile he said power generators were being placed across ten different locations in Colombo as well.

“Two generators of 2.5 KW and eight Generators of 11 KW are being used for the purpose. Those generators would be connected to the national grid, when there is a demand. The hydro power generation had increased by 40 per cent as a result of the showers experienced during the last few days,” he said.

Earlier the CEB said that the additional electricity that was required, would obtained from other thermal power plants including from the one at Norochcholai and Kerawalapitiya.

“The country's daily electricity demand now stands at 2,300 MW,” he said. (Chaturanga Pradeep)