Archaeology Dept. is politicised now: Ruwan

23 July 2020 07:32 pm

The demolition of the assembly hall of King Buwaneka Bahu II is a clear sign that the Archaeology Department is politicised under the present regime, UNP Deputy General Secretary Ruwan Wijewardene said today.

Addressing a gathering at Nittambuwa, Mr. Wijewardene said one cannot be satisfied with the Department of Archaeology as it has failed to safeguard historical sites.

“One wonders whether the country is going to see museums being robbed once again as it was prior to 2015,” Mr. Wijewardene said.

“The Prime Minister is engaged in an exercise to tarnish the image of King Buwanekabahu II merely to justify the demolition of the assembly hall in Kurunegala,” he added.

On a different note, Mr. Wijewardene said the ruling party violated all electoral laws including the health guidelines stipulated to prevent the spread of COVID 19 during the election campaign.

“Laws are being enforced only on the opposition while ruling party candidates are even threatening health officers,” he said.

He said the Election Commission Chairman should be more strict and ensure that a free and fair poll is conducted. (Yohan Perera)