Angry ETI protestors surround CMC looking for ETI Director

27 September 2018 02:27 pm

A tense situation erupted today at the Colombo Municipal Council premises, when depositors of the ETI Finance Limited (ETI) who were demanding their deposits back, gathered to show their displeasure to CMC Councillor Anjalee Deepa Edirisinghe, who is also a Director of ETI Company.

Speaking to the Daily Mirror, the Independent Association to Protect the ETI Depositors President Anusha Jayanthi said the Councillor was a member of the CMC Standing Committee on Poverty Alleviation, yet justice was not served to the depositors.

She said the ETI management paid them 20 per cent of their deposits and promised to pay another ten per cent however, remained silent over repaying of the remaining 70 per cent of their deposits.

The protestors claimed that ETI Directress Deepa Edirisinghe was continuously absent for meetings between the Directors of the Company and the Depositors and avoiding them.

They said that the meeting to restructure the ETI Finance was scheduled for today, however, was postponed in the final minute as the Directress was attending the CMC monthly council meeting.

Informed sources told that the Directress had fled the scene after the crowd entered the CMC grounds.
Police security was provided to the CMC during the protest. (Thilanka Kanakarathna)