Alleged medical malpractice kills mother of three in Kandy

13 March 2017 01:36 pm

A man lodged a complaint with the Katugastota Police on Sunday claiming that his wife had died after she was injected with medication at a private hospital in Kandy, Police said.

The 25-year-old woman, a resident from Kandy and a mother of three, was admitted to the hospital for a surgery.

“The patient was in critical condition when she died. She was injected with a low- dose medication prior to the surgery,” the hospital sources said.

The Katugastota Police are investigating the incident.

Meanwhile, Central Provincial Health Director Dr. Shanthi Samarasinghe speaking to the Daily Mirror said they were aware of the incident and that an investigation had been launched today.

“However, neither the Police nor the relatives of the deceased have made any complaints to us regarding the incident,” she said. (J.A.L. Jayasinghe)