16 Sri Lankans among 38 migrants, hidden in semi-trailer truck, found at western border

24 March 2022 09:35 pm

Therty-eight migrants from Turkey, Syria, Sri Lanka and Iraq were discovered while trying to leave from Romania illegally hidden in a semi-trailer truck and two minibuses driven by Romanians and checked at the Nadlac II Border Crossing Point.

The minibuses, registered in Romania, were driven by two men aged 33 and 42, respectively, and during the border checks, migrants were found hiding in specially arranged spaces between the cargo compartment and the rear seat of the passenger compartment intended for people, Agerpress reported.

"Inside the two compartments were hidden 16 citizens from Sri Lanka, aged between 22 and 51, who entered the country legally on the basis of personal documents. A few minutes later, at the same border crossing, a Romanian citizen behind the wheel of a car registered in Italy, accompanied by a citizen of Sri Lanka, presented himself for the formalities in order to leave the country. Based on the risk analysis, the physical control of the car was carried out, and inside it were discovered the luggage and identity documents of the persons hidden in the two means of transport mentioned above," informed, on Thursday, the Arad Border Police

On Thursday morning, also in Nadlac II, in a semi-trailer truck driven by a 38-year-old Romanian, 22 other migrants were found hidden. They were located in front of the semi-trailer, in a special place with a double wall.

"During the investigation, our colleagues established that there were 15 people from Turkey, six from Syria and one from Iraq, aged between 18 and 35," said the Arad Border Police.