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Those parties, who made use of the Provincial Council (PC) system for 25 years, are now up in arms at the thought of Tamils in the Northern Province having an elected Council of their own, for the first time since Vartharajah was deposed by President Premadasa. These parties used these Councils to do services to their followers and build up their leaders. Some of these may not exist today if not for the devolution of power. The PC system helped them to enjoy power in the respective areas but they want to deprive the NPC of the rights the other PCs enjoyed for a quarter century. Obviously they do not want Tamils and Muslims to share power and they believe only the Sinhala nationality has the right of autonomy or self-rule. In effect they assume other communities should be under the power of the Sinhalese. They stick to this idea though they cannot spell out a single logical argument for this line of thinking. Obviously this is not a coherent idea but a feeling attached to a territory or habitat. Such feelings are shared by all males in a primitive tribe in ancient times. Males were supposed to protect the habitat, sacrificing one’s life if necessary. Patriarchal power arose from this sacrificial feeling for a territory. In modern times with the arising of national states, even the bourgeoisie mobilised national feelings to establish national states and to sweep out old feudal or ancient bondages. These feelings were considered positive as long as the community was fighting against oppression or colonialism. In that sense one could understand the national feelings of all communities in Lanka. During early agitations for independence, nationalists of all communities of Lanka, got together to challenge the British rule. However if the majority mobilises such feelings to enslave smaller nationalities then it becomes a serious problem. We know what happened to the Germans before the Second World War. At the turn of the century the Germans were boasting about their cultural superiority and philosophical achievements. Even Hegel thought that the German state would become the example for the final stage of mankind; thus creating the end of history. However subsequent German nationalism created unbelievable misery and cruelty, and almost destroyed mankind. Sinhala nationalism and chauvinist campaigns today could become extinct in the end.
"The PC system helped them to enjoy power in the respective areas but they want to deprive the NPC of the rights the other PCs enjoyed for a quarter century. Obviously they do not want Tamils and Muslims to share power and they believe only the Sinhala nationality has the right of autonomy or self-rule "
Theravada Buddhism is claimed to be a treasure protected by the Sinhalese. Buddhism explains the fundamental nature of reality with the rules of impermanence and negation. Also it explains human alienation with the working of ‘thrushna’ or desire. As it is, these Sinhala racists are under the spell of worse deployment of thrushna and they are blind to the menace they have already created.
"Buddhism explains the fundamental nature of reality with the rules of impermanence and negation. Also it explains human alienation with the working of ‘thrushna’ or desire. As it is, these Sinhala racists are under the spell of worse deployment of thrushna and they are blind to the menace they have already created"
On the other hand, while backing this entire political development, the Mahinda regime is continuing, guided by global powers in his march for economic development. Lanka’s current economic growth rate of around 8.3 percent would rank the country among the top four performing economies in the world, said Minister of Economic Development Basil Rajapaksa recently; and he further said that an IMF study had predicted that Lanka would remain as the second best performing economy in the world next year, after China! He also disclosed that the country was very serious in perusing Nano-technology, and scientists at the Biyagama zone had invented a fertiliser that could bring far-reaching results. “We are currently in the process of obtaining a global patent for this product, and several other similar global patents are on the way,” he said, “The people in the North and East do not need police or land powers but land to cultivate their crops and protection from terrorism, abductions and the demand for ransom. The government will not hesitate to protect the people in the two provinces and provide them with land for cultivation,” he said and added that the peace dividend is mainly enjoyed by people in the North and East with the Vanni becoming the highest developed district with the fastest poverty reduction rate after Colombo and Gampaha. Thus we see that the Mahinda regime is embedded in the structural development dictated by the foreign donors. The regime is infested with agents of global capitalist powers and they all are committed to the complex socio-economic matrix growing with their efforts. This matrix is growing in all directions in spite of massive waste and corruption, and it has only contempt for law and justice. Government ministers say they are unable to control what they classify as ‘mafia’ groups. These mafia groups are part of the ruling matrix. Not only they are unable to understand the sufferings of oppressed communities but also the destruction brought by them to peasants, fisherfolk and other plebeians throughout the country. Also, changes and destructions made by them have affected the environment badly including elephants, birds and cattle. This new global oppression is not understood by the Sinhala chauvinists who are blinded by racism; because the matrix is always carrying a Lion flag and operates under the Sinhala sign!