e cherish pleasant memories of love and friendship of people, whom we love, who are close to us, and from time to time, we tend to go back down memory lane, where the memories we hold close to our hearts brighten our day and sometimes our lives.
One such person whose memory remains locked inside me is Mrs. Mangalam St. George. Had she lived today, she would have been ninety years of age.
I had known her for more than three decades. She has touched my life in many ways. Her kindness, concern, sympathetic nature generosity and hospitality were immeasurable. She passed away on the 20th of February, 2014. I had her friendship till the very end. She was loyal and true, A very special kind of friend.
I through I would try on her birth anniversary to say something which late dear Mangalam herself would appreciate.
She welcomed you with a broad smile when you walked into her home at Stafford place. She would say, “Come in the dog will not bite...” Then her brother Peter would come out of his room shouting the dog only bites Tamil women” Then “ Ha! Ha! ” laughs Mangalam. I visit her with a prior appointment, hence she is all ready with eats and her favourite drink lime juice. Her ever hospitable nature extends not only to me, but also to my chauffeur. She is hospitable and generous not only to her friends, but to all and sundry. During the Easter Season, she comes all the way from Maradana to Bambalapitiya, bringing hot cross buns to my domestic, Anthony who is a Roman Catholic Then my faithful domestic would say, “ Madam is like Jesus, bringing me Jesus’ buns !” I know for sure, that girls and boys working both at the House of Fashion, then situated at Duplication Road, and those working at Cargills Food City on Staple Street, on many occasions were the recipients of her cheery words and tasty goodies.
"To my mind and in my life, her caring and sympathetic nature came out best when my dear Husband Rama passed away some years ago..."
Her kindness and concern were unmatched. My professional duties once took me to Hong Kong. I was attached to their Department of Law & Justice for four months. There were times, I felt lonely in that foreign land. Mangalam soon realized this and immediately informed her nephew living there then, to take me out for meals and give me any assistance when and if necessary. Her nephew was as caring and kind as his aunt Mangalam. A true friend !
To my mind and in my life, her caring and sympathetic nature came out best when my dear Husband Rama passed away some years ago. I was devastated upon my husband’s death. I had lost the fount of knowledge I had depended on, the shoulder I had cried on, and the smile that had cheered me on. Then there stood Mangalam by my side. I could feel that she too was greatly affected by his death. Every day in the morning at 6.30, she would call me, during those dark and difficult days.
The telephone calls were not for just a day or two. The telephone calls on a regular basis continued for one year or more. With every call, she injected into my mind and heart, love and positive thoughts. One morning when I was low in spirit she called me and said “How Mano ? There is a comedy at the Lionel Wendt, shall we go ?” I burst out laughing. This was Mangalam. At this juncture, let me quote what she often said and continued to say :If it is to be, it is upto me. All things are possible with God’s strength !”
To me Mangalam was
A push when you’ve stopped
A word when you are lonely
A guide when you are searching
A smile when you’re sad; and
A song when you’re glad.
Life was not too kind to her in her last years. Into each life, whatever the degree of lustre some rain must fall. To Mangalam, rainfall came in the form of ill health. She was a lady who always lifted her hand to serve, to help to console and to encourage another. She was lifting it to God by such acts. Sometimes, life plays tricks on us. We mortal human beings find it difficult to comprehend the work of she Supreme Being. However, it is comforting and consoling to all those who were fond of her to know, that during the last days of her life, when she was at Ratnam’s Hospital, she had visits from friends and relatives and she was cared for, with love and affection by members of her immediate family.
She passed away twenty two months ago. I am certain after her trial by fire cleansed all human weakness, through the crucible of suffering she is, I am certain enjoying the plentitude of happiness in a world of love and peace.
My late husband and I loved her dearly. From me comes a prayer for my dearest Mangalam with no holds or reserves.
“Treasure Her Lord
In your garden of rest
For while on earth
She was one of the best”
- Mano Ramanathan -