49th Commemoration of Philip Gunawardena held at the SLFI on 27th March

The Ven. Ittepane Dhammalankara Maha Nayaka Thero, Mahanayake of the Kotte Chapter of the Siyam Maha Nikaya said that founder leader of Mahajana Eksath Peramuna(MEP) Philip Gunawardena was a unique political leader born in this country with honesty and courage. The Venerable Thero made these comments on the 27th, speaking at the 49th Commemoration Ceremony of Philip Gunawardena held at the Sri Lanka Foundation Institute, Colombo. 

“I have an unforgettable experience to share at this moment of commemorating Mr. Philip Gunawardena. We also joined him in supporting the MEP , when he was alive. There were regular meetings and discussions held at the Boralugoda Walawwa during that period. Once, there was a full day convention held at the Boralugoda Walawwa. I also participated in it. At the end of the conference, Hon. Philip Gunawardena came out of the hall and looked around valiantly and said, “All that land as far as you can see, was ours. But today I am left only with the two acres of land around my house.” Saying so, he looked at us in a relaxed mood. He found money for his politics by selling the valuable land he owned. Hon. Philip Gunawardena was committed to protect this country, nation, religion and culture at the expense of his own resources. Hon. Philip Gunawardena is a unique figure among the people who make all the resources for them out of politics. That is why we say he was honest. He also had a brother who had similar attitudes. That was Hon. Robert Gunawardena. Both of them had a very broad understanding of the country, the people of the country and the needs of the people. Many clergy and laymen in this country worked together gathering around the Mahajana Eksath Peramuna due to this. Observed from any angle, the life of Hon. Philip Gunawardena was a perfect one.   

 He said Foreign Minister Dinesh Gunawardena who is the son of Mr. Philip Gunawardane is carrying forward the political role vacated by him .   

Former  Vice Chancellor University of Sri Jayawardenepura, Emeritus Professor Chandima Wijebandara delivered the keynote address at the commemoration of him . He said in his speech Mr. Gunawardena was committed to working hand in hand with Mr. Bandaranaike to bring about the revolution of 1956. He said that although a large number of people in this country have joined various political camps for various reasons, it is clear that the political philosophy of all of them is same as the philosophy of Hon. Philip Gunawardena.     

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