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Sri Lanka to host TradMed International 2017 in November
The Ministry of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine and Department of Ayurveda, in collaboration with University of Sri Jayewardenepura and World Health Organization (WHO) have initiated to provide the world a stage to share expertise, knowledge and skills on cutting edge research interventions and inventions on Traditional and Complementary Medicine. These institutes hope to achieve their objective through the International Symposium on Traditional and Complementary Medicine and Educational Exhibition & Trade Fair at The Water’s Edge in Battaramulla from November 23-25.
This International Conference ultimately aims to promote the need of Evidence Based Researches leading to an Integrative approach and personalized medical systems through Evidence Based Practices thereby creating a platform to form Multidisciplinary Research Collaborations and Public Private Partnerships. The vision of Minister Dr. Rajitha Senarathne to implement a genomic project through International collaborations and work towards personalized Indigenous Medicine must be mentioned here.
The International symposium will be attended by over 30 eminent speakers from USA, UK, Australia, Singapore, Japan, China, India, South Korea, Netherlands, Iran and Thailand. Participants will get to listen to as many as 48 lecture sessions by International experts.
Researchers will be offered an opportunity to share their research findings through oral and poster presentations. The outstanding abstracts (100-150) will be published in the Biomed Central Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Impact Factor- 2.288). This is the first time that Sri Lankan Traditional Medicine Symposium proceedings will be published in an International Journal listed in PubMed of the US National Library of Medicine.
Another expected outcome of the International Symposium is the issuance of Colombo Declaration/ Statement, a Ministerial level commitment of the participating countries to implement important outcomes of the Symposium.
Educational Exhibition & Trade Fair would be a parallel event to the International Symposium which provides a Golden opportunity to meet the Local & International herbal based industries under one umbrella. According to Global Industry Analysts report, global herbal supplements and remedies market is forecast to reach US$115 billion by the year 2020, spurred by growing aging population, increasing consumer awareness about general health, good lifestyle consciousness and well-being amongst society. Sri Lanka, being a nation with rich history of traditional medicine, through this educational exhibition and trade fair aims to capture the growing herbal supplements and remedies market with a vision of ultimately becoming the healthcare hub in Asia. The Exhibition comprises over 120 exhibitors from companies such as Herbal/Natural Product industry
There will be meetings between (a) industries (B2B) for exchanging the ideas of business strategies in the herbal based industry (b) academics and industry (B2A) for Exchange ideas of new innovations and looking for possibilities of developing new businesses.
The Educational Exhibition and Trade Fair is expected to offer a platform to generate new business leads in the related industries and understand major trends in the herbal marketplace to know rising demands and take in new concepts and needs of emerging markets.
More information can be viewed by logging on to Prof. Ranil de Silva, Director, World Class University Project, University of Sri Jayewardenepura is the Co-Chair of the conference. He will be key contact for further clarifications regarding this conference.