All cleared and revamped- Calorie Counter     Follow

With reference to the recent inspection carried out at the Calorie Counter, Ward Place Colombo 7 outlet by Public Health Inspectors of CMC, the Calorie Counter management in a statement yesterday said that they rectified all measures highlighted by the PHI’s within 3 hours.  

Duaine Peiris & the Team at Calorie Counter in a statement to the Patrons, Stakeholders, Investors and the General Public also said that no point was the restaurant sealed.  
The full statement as follows;  
In light of the recent video footage and media publicity of an inspection carried out at the Calorie Counter, Ward Place Colombo 7 outlet by Public Health Inspectors of the Colombo Municipal Council, I wish to place on record the following.  

On the 12th of March 2019, PHIs visited our Ward Place, Colombo 7 outlet and inspected the restaurant’s open kitchen, storage facilities and waste disposal practices. This inspection was carried out at restaurants in the vicinity of Ward Place. During the detailed checks, our open kitchen and storage rooms were cleared as meeting required hygiene and safety standards. However, a particular freezer kept outside the kitchen and main stores which held items to be disposed was not correctly labelled and identified. 

This is what was highlighted in the video.   After having received instructions from the PHI’s on remedial measures the highlighted food items were removed and destroyed immediately in their presence. We rectified all measures highlighted by the PHI’s within 3 hours and our storage facilities were cleared and revamped as per required standards by them. 

I would like to categorically state to my loyal customers that at no point was the restaurant sealed.  
I wish to inform our valued patrons that we are sincerely sorry for the oversight on our part in terms of the disposal storage and have immediately rectified the matter.


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