Naturplus compostable and biodegradable lunch sheets at Dominoz Pizza     Follow

Plastic Pakaging Pte Ltd  that manufactures bin liners from 3 microns , food wrapping sheets ,Compostable and Biodegradable Bags for exports to the UK and Maldives, during the last 28 years, has now launched Compostable food wrapping sheets to Dominoz Pizza.  

These compostable  Naturplus sheets do not have any polythene and this was tested by     ITI Sri Lanka. 

These Natuplus sheets are also certified by Vincotte , Belgium and has OK compost certification  which is under a global certification programme for compostable bags .

Generally all compostable and biodegradable bags are printed with a certified logo and wordings in their bags and packs so that the customer can identify that it is the genuine compostable and biodegradable bag . 

These compostable sheets are manufactured using a special resin that is a globally certified starch-based compostable and biodegradable bio resin .  This resin cannot be mixed with other resins such as any other polythene or recycled polythene etc and as a result this is completely environment friendly .

The texture of the compostable lunch sheet is different and it is possible to identify it from a usual polythene sheet and this is another advantage of these sheets . 

These sheets tend to stretch more than an usual polythene sheet . The compostable and Biodegradable lunch sheet  may be a replacement to the normal non-degradable lunch sheets. Plastic Pakaging  said the sheets can be disposed of and would get composted  within 180 days in an industrial composting facility. If a home compostable bin is used it would take longer. The bags conform to the EU standard EN13432 . Dominoz said that they are happy to use the compostable lunch sheets in their operations and would be the first company to use  compostable food sheets in Sri Lanka  and this would make them more environmentally friendly, reduce the carbon foot print and reduce the waste.

For more information contact 0777 396679 . 

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