PIM Speech Craft Program Grand Finale today

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The Grand Finale of the Speech Crafter Program of  the Post Graduate Institute of Management (PIM) will be held today at the PIM. The Chief Guest for the occasion will be Prof. Ajantha Dharmasiri, Director of PIM, and the World Champion Speaker Dhananjaya Hettiarachchi is also due to grace the occasion. It is said that the greatest fear of all is the ‘fear of Public Speaking’, and becoming a Speech Crafter is the first step in conquering you own demons in public speaking. The ones who do dare to take up the challenge in confronting their own fears, will always immerge victorious.   

After ten sessions of extensive coaching and grooming, the bunch of enthusiastic individuals are expected to unveil their vocal talents on the day. The next big thing expected on the day is the launch of PIM

Toast Masters Club which will also be a part and partial of the PIM activity calendar going forward. The majority of the speech crafters do comprises with the graduates and undergraduates of the  PIM ,  while there are representatives from other institutes also.  Being a premier post graduate institute of management  in the country, this is the first time the institute is opening up doors for outsiders to be a part of a PIM initiative. Anyone who is willing to experience a mesmerizing session of eloquence of language and energy, the organizers wish to extend an open invitation to be at PIM on the day by 6. 30 pm. Be there to witness, the transformation of a set of individuals who took the challenge in confronting their own boundaries. 

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