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All check points in Colombo city would be removed from today and instead will be replaced by an advanced surveillance system to ensure city security, Military Spokesman Brigadier Ubaya Medawala said.
malkanthi Wednesday, 27 October 2010 06:17 AM
I am sure our security forces are gentlemen to treat all irrespective of their social standing. It is not really necessary to display our academic or social standing in order to draw respect for ourselves.
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Izy Wednesday, 27 October 2010 06:18 AM
way off target. Topic is about the check point and not about ur achievements or how long ur stay out of country was. NOW be a TRUE patriot and come serve your fellow countrymen. They need you in SL more than the $$$$ u need.
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Lamaya Wednesday, 27 October 2010 06:18 AM
Wow this is great news. Sri Lanka is slowly developing after a very long time. Thank you government of Sri Lanka. The president must have implied this at his visit to the parliament a few days ago. I think it is great that he is looking into matter him self as our ministers are not so efficient!
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Kithsiri Wednesday, 27 October 2010 06:22 AM
Very good. Tourists will find it safe in Colombo now. Next step should be to stop VIP speeding on roads, and reduce number of escort vehicles of them :)
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just another citizen Wednesday, 27 October 2010 06:25 AM
Can they please go back to opening the road where the UN Office is?
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Oyage sudu kella Wednesday, 27 October 2010 06:28 AM
Very good aney. Since there are two other roads parallel with Galle Road, isn't it better to have buses plying on all three main roads upto Pettah so that the traffic congestion on Galle road will be less. Also, we need enough of parking on all these main roads.
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bash Wednesday, 27 October 2010 07:03 AM
Very good, Chintanaya working
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Nandimithra Wednesday, 27 October 2010 07:13 AM
Next to be opened is the stretch of Bullers Rd. from Stanley Wijesundara MW to Thunmulla. Please do this also soon.
Much time and fuel cost can be saved by everyone including the country.
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Sudu Kella Wednesday, 27 October 2010 07:17 AM
Aney good meya...oya hari shouk....Honda idea eka .
Open the roads for buses along the Marine drive but the road must have a pavement and enough street lights. Buses will drtive like maniacs and kill people. so speed limit must be set with traffic police. .
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Lucky Wednesday, 27 October 2010 07:28 AM
I dont think the move is correct, `cos`we noticed diclined of robbers mainly bambalapitiya, collupitiya and wellawatta,taking out check point I feel robberies will increase.
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chandiya Wednesday, 27 October 2010 07:46 AM
No no no. Do not remove right now. give a bit more time .
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keerthi kuamara Wednesday, 27 October 2010 06:06 AM
What a releif , but I wonder the CCTV will work out cause even London is fully covered with same suriviliance system , the no of crime incidents are still increasing
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gayal Wednesday, 27 October 2010 08:47 AM
Very soon there will be cameras in front of people's houses to see who is coming and going. And if you are seen turning out from a club at nite via the advanced surveillance system God bless you.
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Dr.Raghavan.P Wednesday, 27 October 2010 08:58 AM
Hi Malkanthi,
I think that you might have missed out my last line " Officers are very civil with every one".
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Ruwan Ferdinandez Wednesday, 27 October 2010 09:19 AM
Raghavan you were very lucky, may be you only went through check points where the forces are employed. The story about the "Traffic" police is totally different. They intimidate people and take ransom. When I was stopped for parking at a place where there was no sign whatsoever, about a mile away from my work, I tried everything to avoid paying a ransom. In the end I told him who I was,they chased me to my home asking more money.
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malkanthi Wednesday, 27 October 2010 09:20 AM
Nope you cannot open, WW will start fasting fron of UN again.
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Ruwan Ferdinandez Wednesday, 27 October 2010 09:26 AM
Lamaya, Champika Ranawaka is doing things that not a single minister in the country ever thought about. He knows his subject and he talks to right people and does it. Is MR,Basil involved? No. In other ministries, ministers are either not educated or not knowledgeable. The Prez can't do everything, it is upto him to appoint the right people as ministers if he is so interested in developing it beyond political lines.
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Ruwan Ferdinandez Wednesday, 27 October 2010 01:22 PM
Very soon there will be no check points but dust on cameras will not show anything and you will be able to buy some of those cameras in second hand shops.
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Manike Wednesday, 27 October 2010 01:58 PM
Like in other countries we can have CCTV system in Colombo city. Also CCTV system can be used in other main cities and in important places like universities and connect it to one network
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Hamlet Wednesday, 27 October 2010 02:01 PM
Dubai has no Policemen, only security cameras. If the police do not watch out, they will be soon out of jobs.
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the undertaker Wednesday, 27 October 2010 02:28 PM
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gona Wednesday, 27 October 2010 08:31 PM
Check points are in many ways a good thing, it helps to stop crime as vehicles are subject to check, Cameras are used in countries where the cost of Policing is huge, we have plenty of man power, more police on the street is the best way to control crime and terrorism. Cameras make private companies rich.
I say keep the checks in place, hire more Police to enforce the law.
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creedeffect Thursday, 28 October 2010 12:55 AM
Advanced surveillence systems == Email notification system of Sri Lanka Police :) ?
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Dinesh Wednesday, 27 October 2010 04:52 AM
What a news!!!Great.....
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Dr.Raghavan.P Wednesday, 27 October 2010 03:49 AM
I have recently visited twice Jaffna after 33 years .When I left Lanka, I was an energetic teenager.I was treated like a king every where both at Sinhalese and Tamil (including the Muslims) localities.Especially at the check points and the airport all Sinhalese officers even at the bottom ranks they gave me ample respect for my academic achievements.Sri Lankans irrespective of their religious , ethnic and caste affinities all of them give full respect to EDUCATION.I wish Sri Lanka should continue to encourage the academic world for ever.In attitude, Sri lankans are not at all fussy like in many other countries.In spite of all political trauma the officers are very civil with every one.
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Bumblebee Wednesday, 27 October 2010 03:51 AM
the much awaited move...! tks for that....!
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Wisdom Wednesday, 27 October 2010 03:53 AM
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Sri lankan Wednesday, 27 October 2010 03:58 AM
Sri Lanka will be the best country in the world in the near future.... thanks to mother nature and MR
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sj Wednesday, 27 October 2010 04:03 AM
God Bless the President of Sri Lanka.
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Knight Rider Wednesday, 27 October 2010 04:04 AM
well now that we shall have three parallel roads in colombo ( Dupication, Marine Drive and the Galle road, its high time people drive in a more civilized and courteous manner and that i know will reduce jams and verbal abuse. Implement proper standards with signs, lights, safety and security for both pedestrians and drivers. with Advertising Material not blocking road signs, street names.
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ind Wednesday, 27 October 2010 04:10 AM
Good move. Though the check points repoved, sececurity should be in Colombo for few other years too.
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shanthi Wednesday, 27 October 2010 04:20 AM
Yes , it's a good move , implement high tech system for detects, also , strech the marine drive up to galleface as advised by the president , traffic block will be eased and minimised .
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Fayad Wednesday, 27 October 2010 04:21 AM
We can take out check points,expand the road few feet nothing can help the traffic jam unless we reduce the vehicles coming to the road very month approx 10000 Vehicles per month. better improve the public transport to reduce traffic.
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Dushantha Wednesday, 27 October 2010 04:37 AM
Your Comment is good. But unfortunately it will not be read by the people who should get your message like 3 wheel drivers and bus drivers. Many occassions you can see the 3 wheelers are not respecting the one way rule and coming in front of you to make their jorney a short one. Also now they cannot do but it was the Bus drivers like 154 route used to stop the Bus on middle of the road and collect passengers. I guess it will take a long time to have civilized dirvers in Sri lanka including some people driving very posh Cars and jeeps.
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hemj Wednesday, 27 October 2010 04:39 AM
I agree with Dr. Raghavan, All security personal are very polite, friendly and respectful, not only to academics, but also for every one. They don't carry any wepons, or even a batten. Excellent move.. Please keep it up.
I am sure Sri Lanka will be the top tourist destination in the near future..
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Rathnaweera Wednesday, 27 October 2010 04:39 AM
Well done. This will let people get out of the terror mentality.
Please take action against errent drivers who take the cover of politicians or other VIP's and cause difficulties to others using the roads, including pedestrians.
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Ossan Salam - Doha Wednesday, 27 October 2010 04:42 AM
Although the check points are removed, there must be army and police on routine duty to the safeguard of our people especially in cities, we should gratitude to our security forces who caused saving innocent lives in the past....therefore our people gave their much assistance to our forces since they (forces) too behaved in civilized manner with people
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Polite Wednesday, 27 October 2010 04:45 AM
I second your opinion about the forces, definitely they are well trained to deal with civilians. To experience the opposite go to a nearest Police station. We have not revamped Police officers yet.
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rw Wednesday, 27 October 2010 03:46 AM
Also it is high time to open up Galle road both ways in and out between Kollupitiya and Galle Face.
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sinha ranasinha Wednesday, 27 October 2010 04:53 AM
Good move , Thank you Mr. President. But be careful from JVP.
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mnsmart Wednesday, 27 October 2010 04:53 AM
instead of a very few incidents, most of the forces personnel & policemen were very polite at the check points.
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ranil Wednesday, 27 October 2010 04:55 AM
It has been open both ways for quite a while now. Take that road everyday to work.
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Ravi Wednesday, 27 October 2010 05:00 AM
Thanks for everyone Srilankan.
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Sarath Wednesday, 27 October 2010 05:14 AM
Nice to hear this. I am sure Sri Lanka will be a most fine country after 10 years, so we have to be patient little. We cannot do in one day
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Mohana Wednesday, 27 October 2010 05:15 AM
Excellant move by the SL Govt.
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zulu Wednesday, 27 October 2010 05:21 AM
Please make the Galle Road..... and widen the roads as well.... so that the traffic flow is smooth. I give full credit to the police force along the galle road now for their efficient service.
I hope the government looks at the bigger picture, where day in day out so much of fuel is burnt on this traffic blocks.
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menike Wednesday, 27 October 2010 05:22 AM
relief at last - I have been a harrassed victim of check pts. for the past 2 yrs and worse after the war ended. I am checked
on a daily basis, sometimes 2-3 times esp at the vauxhall st
pt, even though I am 65 yr old driver and alone in the car.
even this morning I was stopped and when asked, they do not
seem to know who or what they are looking for. -
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Abu Wednesday, 27 October 2010 05:22 AM
This 'advanced surveillance system' is going to end up having everyone spied on by camera. Developed countries have a lot of camera surveillance (so its a good move) but they also have strong rules to protect the privacy and liberties/rights of civilians. This is where the public needs to push their local MP's to propose this in parliament to provide legislature where this surveillance can't be abused.
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sltk2004 Wednesday, 27 October 2010 05:23 AM
Who is going to responsibility if something happens? We need these security check points and the emergency laws to maintain law and order of the country.
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yav Wednesday, 27 October 2010 05:24 AM
Way to go
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Ibnu Batuta Wednesday, 27 October 2010 05:55 AM
Curing an Eye-sore. Very good move.
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