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The Colombo Chief Magistrate’s Court on Friday gave an order over the inquiry conducted against the film, ‘Adaraneeya Kathawak’ which is now being screened, for allegedly violating the National Authority on Tobacco and Alcohol Act by displaying Tobacco or Alcohol trade marks in the film.
Colombo Additional Magistrate Nishantha Peiris ordered the film's Director Priyantha Colombage, National Film Corporation Chairman and Majestic Cinema Manager to provide a full length version CD of the movie to the Narahenpita Police in order to observe scenes allegedly promoting Tobacco or alcohol by violating the section 35 of the National Authority on Tobacco and Alcohol Act.
Narahenpita Police sought court permission to get a full length version of the movie in a CD in order to initiate the formal litigation against the violators of the Act.
Representing the National Authority on Tobacco and Alcohol Department, Dilishiya Abeynayake had lodged a complaint with the Narahenpita police over the violation of the Act stating that the Authority had observed scenes in the film, in which Tobacco or alcohol advertisements were included by displaying trade marks of some brands.
The complainant told police that the Authority had found more than ten scenes of promoting Tobacco or alcohol in the film.
Narahenpita police had also investigated into the complaint and confirmed that the alleged film contained such scenes.
The Complainant had also informed the Censor Board and Film Corporation regarding the violation of Tobacco and Alcohol Act.
Further inquiry was put off for July 8. (Shehan Chamika Silva)